
Cross Kgosidiile, BDC Managing Director
BDC targets large scale businesses

Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) Managing Director, Cross Kgosidiile has said the corporation targets large scale export oriented businesses, focusing on citizen economic...

Gaolathe misled nation about Kanye Sanitation Project?

- DIS cleared contractor of corruption - Rock formations in Kanye contributed to delays - Residents refuse meagre compensation for relocation

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Married man starves as wife says marriage is not all about sex

Mom demands justice after son's alleged assault by school teacher

A 10-year-old boy from Siga Primary School is battling severe distress after allegedly being assaulted by his teacher, his mother claims.Sindy Lebalang, the child’s mother,...

IN COURT: BDF soldiers, Kenosi and Kgoponyane


BDF soldiers clash in court over P1000 love gift

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Prisoner caught receiving dagga from villager while behind bars

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