
Neo Kolantsho
  • Confusion and frustration reign as villages are separated

    When the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Kgotla Autlwetse visited Tumasera kgotla a fortnight ago, there was no telling what he was bringing to the people of Tswapong area.They could not have guessed that he was coming to tell...


    Friends and neighbours of deceased Mompati Parks Keatlhotswe say they do not know how they will be able to go on with life knowing that they lost their loved one at the hands of an ‘abusive' girlfriend.They blame themselves and keep thinking...

  • Thieves now target churches

    Onamile Reotsweleng (56) of Gabane village is being held in custody for stealing a caravan measuring six metres belonging to Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Gabane.Post Commander at Gabane police post, Assistant Superintendent Mbiganyi said once they...


    Former president of Botswana Accountancy College (BAC) Student Representative Council (SRC), Theo Monageng says they are ready to go to court if the Department of Tertiary Education Financing (DTEF) does not give them their living allowances for the...

  • Guns to be bought for every police officer this year

    The time has come for every police officer to carry a fire arm, the Minister of Defence and Security, Thomas Kagiso Mmusi has said.The minister wants his wishes to be implemented as soon as possible, to be exact, before the end of current financial...

  • Seretse thanks the police for stopping Khama

    Acting Regent of Gammangwato Kgosi Serogola Seretse has thanked the Botswana Police Service (BPS) for calming storms in Serowe recently, saying without them, the worst could have happened.“Diphefo di kile tsa hoka mo Gammangwato mo, ha nne nkile ra...

  • Lentswelemoriti: No burglary, no rape no violence no crime

    Lentswelemoriti village in the Bobirwa district is a village like no other, it is a village without sin, pure as snow.This has been confirmed by statistics that were shared with the District Council members last month.When villages like Bobonong,...

  • Man burns down Serowe council chamber

    Lone Motswetla, 20, accused of setting Serowe District Council on fire last week, is expected to appear before Serowe Magistrate court this morning (Wednesday).According to No. 2 District Officer Commanding, Senior Superintendent Paul Oketsang, the...

  • Man commits suicide after burying his brother

    A 30-year-old man was found hanging by the neck inside his bedroom at Polaseng ward in Tsetsebjwe village this past Monday.The man was discovered by his baby mama who grew worried when her lover did not come out of his room several minutes after he...

  • Pastor's son kills man at church

    Kgosana Beka Seane of Tupya village finds himself in a very difficult position after his son, Moitshepi Gabanamotse (20) allegedly murdered Oagile Ditsela (46) this past Friday at Christ Revival church.As a community leader, Seane does not know how...


    The family of Reuben Rasesigo (64) is failing to accept that one of their own just collapsed and died after making submissions at a kgotla meeting a week ago in Seleka village.Seleka village Chief explained that Reuben died during a meeting which he...

  • Rift between school head and teachers resolved

    Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education Mmoloki Raletobane says differences between Phaphane Primary School teachers and headmaster, Collen Moleele have been successfully resolved.Frustrated staff members at the Mochudi school...


    The body of Onkgomoditse Keipheditse (21) who has been missing since the 26th of May 2023 was found this past Friday buried and badly decomposed near the riverbank in Mmadinare village.According to Officer Commanding No. 10 District, Meshack...

  • CLOSELY GUARDED: Unity Dow linked to BCP

    Specially-Elected Member of Parliament Unity Dow who recently resigned from Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) is allegedly ready to join Botswana Congress Party (BCP).Sources say that Dow has already made up her mind on her next political move but...

  • Frustration as politicians eye electric car business

    Locally-based electric cars manufacturers are once again experiencing major setbacks with registering their newly-manufactured cars.They are unable to register more of the cars they have produced because the government system is unable to recognise...

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