
Nicholas Mokwena
  • BURS to hire Consultant to realign organisation

    Botswana Unified Revenue Services (BURS) is yet to procure a consultant to conduct its organisational structure realignment.As part of its strategy implementation, the agency is currently conducting an organisational structure realignment. BURS...

  • AU's 36th Summit next month in Ethiopia

    The 2023 African Union Summit will be held from the 15th to 19th of February 2023 at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Information and Communication Directorate (ICD) of the African Union Commission (AUC) has announced.Comoros is...

  • BDP, BNF youth clash over shortage of medicines

    The shortage of medical drugs in hospitals has led to the youth of the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) crossing swords with Botswana National Front Youth League (BNFYL).This follows a leaked audio between Health Minister Dr. Edwin Dikoloti and...

  • Khama's extradition imminent

    High Court Judge, Godfrey Radijeng has dismissed with costs an urgent application by former President Ian Khama to set aside a warrant of arrest issued against him.Khama challenged the warrant of arrest issued by the Acting Regional Magistrate South...

  • Foreigners will soon own Mogoditshane - Rakgare

    Minister of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture who is also Member of Parliament for Mogoditshane Tumiso Rakgare has expressed concern at the level at which his constituents continue to sell land especially to foreigners.Mogoditshane is one of the...

  • Dirty wrestling for DCEC top post

    Heads are expected to roll at the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) following the leakage of files implicating Director General of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) Peter Magosi in corrupt practices.The document in...

  • Domestic economy on recovery mode - Serame

    The domestic economy, as it is the case with the global economy, continues to be on recovery mode in the third quarter of the 2022/2023 financial year, Minister of Finance Peggy Serame has assured.This is attested by the positive growth projected at...

  • Councils’ restructuring won't affect Bogosi jurisdiction

    The restructuring of councils is for administrative expediency and will not affect the jurisdiction and the established practices of Bogosi, Local Government and Rural Development minister Kgotla Autlwetse says.The ministry is working with the...

  • BDP Govt's defective health care sentencing Batswana to death

    Botswana National Front (BNF) has expressed concern over the shortage of medicine and pills in hospitals across the country.For some time now the country has been hit by a shortage of drugs with the situation taking a turn for the worst last year....

  • Corruption delayed Mogoditshane-Gabane road construction - Rakgare

    The construction of the Mogoditshane-Gabane-Mankgodi junction Road was delayed due to corrupt activities attracted at the tender stage of the project, Member of Parliament for Mogoditshane, Tumiso Rakgare has told constituents.Rakgare, who is also...

  • Zambezi Agro-Commercial Development to stimulate eeconomy

    Acting Minister of Agriculture Molebatsi Molebatsi says his Ministry will implement projects to support key policy priorities for sustainable high income growth.These include among others, Zambezi Integrated Agro-Commercial Development, refurbishment...

  • Oppostiion threatens to report Govt coorruption to Int'l community

    Leader of Opposition Dithapelo Keorapetse has warned government that if it continues to condone corruption it will soon catch up with them in the international space under the Public International Law.Under this law if a corrupt regime has borrowed...

  • Economy not in the hands of Batswana - Morwaeng

    The Minister of State President Kabo Morwaeng says the economy of the country is not in the hands of Batswana.He said for years, the country glossed about having low debt levels, and watching with satisfaction as its foreign reserves increased. The...

  • SPEDU suffocates local businesses

    Some businesses based in Selibe-Phikwe and facilitated by SPEDU are said to be under heavy pressure to either close shop or relocate to other parts of the country.The companies, especially in the manufacturing and textile are said to be failing to...

  • Morwaeng slams his own Government

    Minister for State President Kabo Morwaeng says the country has the ever-present problem of poor performing parastatals that continue to gobble government funds.For years the government has spoken about rationalisation but ended up increasing the...

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