
Nicholas Mokwena
  • DPSM, Doctors’ union clash over allowance strike

    Directorate of Public Service Management (DPSM) has filed with the Industrial Court an application to request the court to direct Botswana Doctors Union to order its members to end an alleged unlawful strike.On 1st August 2023, the union issued a...

  • Teachers unmoved on coursework

    Teacher Unions say they are unmoved on the issue of coursework activities while there is no labour protected agreement.Following a deadlock last week, the unions ordered their members to stop carrying out any coursework activities and not to submit...

  • Human rights groups rebuke DISS

    The UPR NGO Working Group is concerned by the continued arrest of persons by the Directorate on Intelligence and Security Services (DISS), without adherence to the due process of law.The UPR NGO Working Group, comprises of the Botswana Council of...

  • Teachers unmoved on coursework

    Teacher Unions say they are unmoved on the issue of coursework activities while there is no labour protected agreement.Following a deadlock last week, the unions ordered their members to stop carrying out any coursework activities and not to submit...

  • Suspicious medical products quarantined

    Central Medical Stores (CMS) is currently holding some medical products that were procured from international orgainsations, under quarantine pending investigation.Minister of Health Dr. Edwin Dikoloti has revealed that one of the contracted...

  • Bogwera must be properly conducted - Kgosi Seboko

    Bamalete Kgosikgolo, Kgosi Mosadi Seboko says she has always held the position that Bogwera must be properly conducted in terms of Bamalete custom, tradition and culture and arranged by the Kgosi in terms of the Bogosi Act.On 15th August 2023,...

  • Ministry unawares of economic deposits in freehold land in Bobirwa

    The Ministry of Minerals and Energy is not aware of any reports of a discovery of a deposit that is deemed economically viable to mine in a freehold land within Bobirwa District.Portfolio Minister Lefoko Moagi told Parliament in response to a...

  • Mogoditshane land grabbing cartel

    While government continues to grapple with land allocation around the country, a cartel of different players is having a field day in Mogoditshane, Botswana Guardian has established.Land allocation has been a hot potato in Mogoditshane and the...

  • BTO ordered to pay former employee over P1 million

    Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO) has been ordered to pay its former Marketing Manager over P1 million for unlawful termination of contract.BTO had appealed against the judgment of High Court Judge Omphemetse Motumise in which Obenne Mbaakanyi’s...

  • Serame not investigating any missing P100bn at BoB

    Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame has been at pains addressing the issue of the alleged P100 billion missing funds from Bank of Botswana.There are allegations that the missing money from the central bank are linked to former President Ian Khama and...

  • Khama loses stay of prosecution case

    Former President Ian Khama has lost a case in which he wanted criminal proceedings against him stayed pending review application.In the main case, Khama is charged on a criminal indictment containing not less than 45 counts alongside Isaac Seabelo...

  • Parliament rejects ex-BCL employees’ request

    Former employees of BCL mine have been left with an egg on the face after Parliament rejected their request to be prioritised when the mine liquidator sells the mine houses.Leader of Opposition, who is also Member of Parliament for Selibe-Phikwe West...

  • 275 jobs expected from SSKIA economic zone

    The Special Economic Zone Authority (SEZA) has so far licensed a total of three companies with a total investment value of about P994 million (R217 million, $50 million and $39.4 million) to start operations at Sir Seretse Khama International Airport...

  • Tsogwane defends Masisi' 'uncouth' public utterances

    Vice President Slumber Tsogwane has defended President Mokgweetsi Masisi for allegedly uttering ‘uncouth words’ publicly.Some of such remarks include ‘go tika lerago’ in reference to MPs that had vaccinated against COVID-19; and De Beers...

  • Judge Walia’s woes continue

    The Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (DCEC) is believed to have submitted a file involving Court of Appeal (CoA) Judge, Lakhvinder Singh Walia to the Directorate of Public Prosecutions for possible prosecution.In 2021 Tours of Africa...

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