-BAA wants to host a similar event, with new name -Court had adviced BAA, BNSC, Dube to reconcile -I was stabbed in the back-Dube

Botswana Athletics Association (BAA) are reportedly in advanced negotiations with World Athletics over the possibilities to stage a gold status event in 2025, BG Sport has learnt.

The reports surfaced on the backdrop of failed attempts to deliver the second edition of the Golden Grand Prix—a brainchild of former athlete Glody Dube, whose company, Golden Door Sports Agency was given the rights to host the event over a period of three (3) years, starting in 2022.

Dube however quickly found himself battling for control of the event with Botswana National Sports Commission (BNSC) ahead of the second edition last year, which led to accusations and counter accusations and ultimately World Athletics terminated their contract with Golden Door Sports Agency.

Earlier this year, Dube brought the matter before the High Court to seek a redress, however all concerned parties in the saga were ordered by the High Court to smoke a peace-pipe, reconcile and find a solution to the impasse. It was expected that going into 2024, both parties would join hands to host the international event.

This publication reached out to BAA Vice President Administration Oabona Theetso for clarity.

“BAA is engaging with World Athletics to be handed the rights to stage a gold status event, we have been given a waiver by World Athletics to possibly organize and host a gold status event. World Athletics did highlight that they have revoked the status of the Golden Grand Prix from Glody Dube, and as of now, Dube is out of the equation.

Hopefully by next week everything will be clearer, the new name, the dates; we are in discussions with World Athletics to see how best we can go about every detail,” he said.

Probed further to offer a clarity on whether BAA will be assuming and continuing with the responsibilities initially handed to Golden Door Sports Agency over a three year period, Theetso revealed that BAA are negotiating for a new deal and completely independent from Dube’s event.

“This will be a completely new event, Glody’s event has been cancelled. World Athletics have given us a chance to host a new event, if Glody wants to resuscitate his event he may do so. The court did advice that we reconcile which we have done but unfortunately World Athletics had already taken a decision to terminate the deal with Glody,” he shared.

Theetso also added that they are open to engage Dube in organizing the event should World Athletics issue the right to host a gold status event, emphasizing the need for unity to prevail amongst all parties involved in the sport.

“We are open to working with him, we are willing to work with him in the future and not only for this event but also other events in the future, I strongly believe in truce and reconciliation, we can disagree but we ought to reach a stage where we make peace. BAA needs Glody and he also needs BAA; we need his technical expertise if we want to be successful in running the event. If he applies to World Athletics with an interest to stage an event, BAA has to endorse him. There is a need for us to reach a gentlemen’s agreement,” Theetso said.

Reached for comment, Dube shared: “After we appeared before the High Court, alongside my lawyer we visited BNSC and BAA to seek a way forward [reconciliation] and they told us that they will notify us on a date to begin reconciliation process."

He further explained how he was overlooked and stabbed on the back in the new deal.

“To my surprise, I later found out that some BNSC and BAA officials visited World Athletics to give a report on the Golden Grand Prix; they went to Europe without me and never cared to even tell me about the trip. Post that trip, reports emerged that BAA are likely to stage a Gold Status event and under a new name. There is nothing I can do, they have the powers, they know exactly what they are doing, and it is all fine we will see how everything goes.

I have left everything, including my work to focus on staging the event; for thirteen years, I worked hard to earn the right to stage a gold status event, you earn the right to stage a gold status event and it will be the first time that a country is given a gold status event just like that. I wish them the best and I hope they will do a much better job than what we usually see during their BAA national championships,” he added. Dube further stated that he does not have a problem reconciling with all parties involved for the greater good of the sport and he awaits BNSC and BAA to come through to commence the reconciliation exercise.