
Neo Kolantsho
  • Vee accepts BDP vetting decision and wishes Healy well

    Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) announcement of parliamentary and council candidates who will contest the 2024 BDP primary elections has put to an end what has been seen as indirect dissing between popular musician Odirile Vee Sento and Member of...

  • Communicate death properly to children

    When death knocks in a home, the family of the deceased often plunges into a state of instability, confusion, sorrow and sometimes panic, and all these overwhelming emotions often lead to the neglect of children.When the family is busy preparing for...

  • Invisible snake torments villagers from generations back

    No one can tell with certainty that they have ever seen a snake inside the Molopye River that passes through Ntlhantlhe village.However, a majority of the residents strongly believe that inside the river waters is a snake that comes out once in a...

  • Land dispute cited in Wateka's death as he failed to bury his father

    The badly decomposed body of a man found inside government-owned Artificial Insemination camp at Dibete in the Kgatleng District is that of Edwin Wateka, who was reported missing on April 2, impeccable sources have told this publication.Assistant...

  • Fighting the stigma of Sunday soccer as hook-up place for women

    During weekends, women usually doll up and head to football playgrounds to watch men play the game. These are usually social games and the ladies go there for entertainment.Once there, their job is to cheer the men on, booze hard while some go there...

  • Recent burial of woman in CKGR stirs controversy

    Selinah SetobaPhuduhudu was buried in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) because that is where she lived, Gantsi District Council Chairperson, Jefferson Tibi confirmed this week.SetobaPhuduhudu’s burial has rubbed some the wrong way,...

  • Woman killed with an axe haft for ending relationship

    Thatayaone Molefe, 31, of Tsetsebjwe village has allegedly been killed by her 29-year-old boyfriend Phenyo Moilwa of Lerala village this past weekend.According to sources close to the matter, the woman was killed after telling her boyfriend that she...

  • I am a victim of UDC witch-hunt - Phenyo Segokgo

    Former Chairman of the Southeast District Council, Phenyo Segokgo, who has publicly announced that he will be contesting for elections this year under the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) banner, is allegedly facing financial difficulties that...

  • Residents fight over allocation of land to Bazezuru

    Moshupa Sub land board Secretary has dismissed claims that they prioritised and made special favours for the Bazezuru tribe when allocating residential plots in Magotlhwane village this past Sunday.There has been an uproar in the village ever since...


    Ompeetse Legae was a cleaner in Gaborone before ascending to the position of Councillor for Ngware/ Shadishadi/ Diphuduhudu in the Letlhakeng Constituency in 2019.This is her fifth year holding tight to the position and as the general election...

  • Public warned of dangerous InDrive imposters

    InDrive Botswana has warned the public to be on the look-out for people masquerading as inDrive operators.Public Relations Manager at InDrive Africa Lineo Thakisi, told The Midweek Sun that they have recently become aware of several unauthorised...


    After lying in a mortuary for close to a year becuase of a family dispute, Xao Xashe of Qangwa village in the North West District has finally been buried.But there was another twist in the drama surrounding his death. Xao’s corpse left Iphitlhe...

  • Rape of woman linked to four escapees still on the run

    By Tuesday noon this week, Botswana Prisons Service (BPS) in conjunction with the police were still hard at work trying to locate four Zimbabwean men who escaped from Mahalapye prison on Sunday midnight.It has been more than three days, and the law...

  • Shock as two lovers found hanging from the same tree

    Councilor Tsabahule Kgotlhang of Ditshegwane says his village seems to be possessed by demons because things that happen there are spine-chilling and mystifying.This past weekend, a young man and woman believed to be lovers and both aged 18 years...

  • Molepolole water woes not over despite new connection

    Molepolole started receiving water from the Gamononyane-Molepolole NSC Water connection in November 2023 resulting in improved supply but still not sufficient to feed the entire village.Molepolole is among areas which have been experiencing acute...

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