Freedom square

Please not my views do not represent any political formation/party. They are my views and I take responsibility and accountability for my views, opinion and words. 1. Ian Khama ke Kgosikgolo ya Bangwato not Batswana 2. Ian Khama during his presidency re ne re tshelela mo poifong. We were not free to express ourselves nor enjoy our rights. Our freedom was suffocated. 3. Ian Khama never consulted anyone. He was a dictator. It was his word or nothing. 4. Ian Khama’s imposed alcohol levy destroyed many businesses and took many out of jobs. Even KBL had to retrench as a result. 5. Under Ian Khama we experienced more extra judicial killings. 6. Had it not been of his personal hatred towards Sir Gee, maybe he could still be alive. He never wanted Sir Gee to become SG. He had his own preferences but Madomi wanted their own so he decided to suspend and expel him leading to the formation of BMD. He destroyed the BDP. 7. He wants to do it again because the current president is restoring our dignity. 8. Balete lost their land under his and his uncle’s (Ian Kirby) watch, simply because they had personal interests. 9. The media was never free under his rule. He even stopped advertising on private media which caused them to lay off people. Now he is desperate for coverage and he runs to the very same people he called liars. 10. He failed dismally to better our lives as a nation. Only his brothers, nephews and nieces benefited as they were appointed to key positions and enjoyed military tenders ka their company Seleka Springs or whatever it is called. 11. Wilderness safari benefited from his presidency simply because he has business interests in one of its subsidiaries. He even wanted to use madi a babereki to fund Air Botswana so wilderness can buy it in good condition. 12. NPF was looted under his watch. Did you hear him utter a word? At least the current president in Parliament vehemently wanted this matter to be investigated. Ke utlwa gotwe he goes around the country addressing Kgotla meetings. Nna ke eletsa fela gore atle moga Molete tlhe bathong. Tota kana ebile Btv abo ele teng. Reka lapa tota. Enough is enough. ( I copied this from someone’s post)