Mental Health Series

Believing that your life has a purpose on its own leads to happiness and health. There have been various research findings notably that having a purpose in life helps strengthen resilience when one is facing adversity. People with a purpose in life tend to do better on account of their mental health, cognitive functioning and general well-being. A study of 669 young people determined that a having a purpose in life predicted well-being during emerging adulthood.

Failure to deal with adverse life problems often is a precursor to mental health problems. A study in China found out that individuals with more sense of purpose in life were great at managing stress and engaging in health promotion activities like exercise and others.

This clearly shows that life purpose is a buffer to stressful situations which can facilitate the development of mental illnesses. Many who struggle to function optimally and derive meaning from their life often settle for maladaptive coping measures.

They may resort to self-harm, self-mutilation, suicide attempts or even use of substances including illicit ones. The pertinent question is thus; what is your life purpose? Many are struggling to find purpose in their lives which is detrimental to their life decisions and general sense of direction.

In view of the many benefits of this concept it of utmost importance to fulfil sense of purpose. We can revise our purpose in life when undertaking new challenges, pondering retirement, having redundant life and so on. Let’s strive to make a difference as that builds into a having a purpose in life.

As posited by Stephen Hawking, “work gives you meaning and purpose, and life is empty without it.” Whilst his sentiments are true in relation to work, any other thing can give one a sense of passion, commitment and fulfilment.