The fight between Gilbert Watshipi and Pushie Manyeneg for Mmopane-Metsimotlhabe constituency within the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) is over following Watshipi’s unveiling in Mmopane this past weekend as Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) representative.

Watshipi expressed delight at finally parting ways with the UDC, describing the party as undemocratic. He said this on the backdrop of the UDC giving the constituency to Manyeneng of the Alliance for Progressives, something he fought against for a long time, arguing that he worked the constituency since 2019. He has even labelled Manyeneng a stranger in the constituency, saying he would never allow her to represent the UDC she did not deserve to be there. When confirmation was finally made by the UDC that Manyeneng would represent the coalition, Watshipi jumped ship and landed at the BPF which was happy to launch him as their candidate this past weekend.

Giving his acceptance speech, Watshipi recalled being called names for taking the ruling party to court in 2019 but said he was only standing for the truth, a trait that could not allow him to see the people of Mmopane being cheated. He said that the time has come for people to terminate their contracts with the ruling party as they have done nothing for Batswana. He said that people should vote for the BPF as the party understands the long standing struggles of the people of Mmopane.

Speaking to launch Watshipi, the party President Mephato Reatile said the ruling party has shown time and time again that they are not trustworthy as they often lie openly in public and eat the spoils of this nation with foreigners who have no good intentions for the country. Reatile said that some Members of Parliament entered the 12th parliament as poor as a church mouse and now are filthy rich in a short period of time.

He promised that the BPF will take power in the upcoming elections because the power is in the hands of the people who vote. Reatile said that the voters are the ones who make a decision. Reatile berated BDP President Eric Masisi for meddling with Botswana’s revenues, saying his family is implicated in corrupt tenders. He told BPF members that Watshipi is an experienced politician who will serve the people of Mmopane well.

Former president Khama also addressed the crowd via a phone call and said that he will soon come to see members of the BPF in person as he is coming to Botswana this Friday. Khama said that people should not vote for the ruling party but should accept free election merchandise that the ruling party uses to bribe them, knowing that at the polling stations they will vote for the BPF.

He said that President Masisi is working for himself and not bettering the lives of Batswana. Khama said that the current regime does not respect nor love the people of Botswana hence they do not take care of their own people.

"I want to come back to Botswana and not be a refugee," Khama said, adding that the forefathers of this land worked too hard for Batswana to be oppressed by the current regime.