The scourge of double candidacy by UDC politicians runs deeper to even some obscure wards across the country, with the party now hoping to resolve the impasse through a Task Force set to investigate the disputes.

Among the disputed wards is Selokwane in Tlokweng, where Kedibonye Batlang of Botswana National Front (BNF) and Ontiretse Bogatsu of Alliance for Progressives (AP) are running for the same ward under the UDC banner.

When contacted for clarity, Bogatsu said that she was the rightful candidate and has been given a letter by the AP proving that she is the rightful candidate. She did not know why Batlang was also campaigning and could only speculate that she may be unhappy. Kedibonye Batlang refused to comment on the matter.

In Palapye’s Mmaphula West ward, Onkabetse Magibisela of the AP and Bafedile Ben have distributed flyers showing that they are running for the Council seat in their ward. Both are running under the UDC. Magibisela did not comment but referred this publication to the leadership of the AP. When contacted for an explanation, Vice President of the AP Wynter Mmolotsi noted that the AP had followed all procedures needed to appoint a candidate for the UDC.

He declined to comment on issues of double candidacy or whether or not this will affect the outcome of elections.

UDC's Moeti Mohwasa said that the UDC NEC at its last meeting resolved to set up a Task Force to attend to issues relating to dissatisfaction following allocation of constituencies and wards. The UDC National Chairperson, Secretary Generals and National Organising Secretaries of the contracting parties are also looking into this, he said. He admitted that what the UDC is experiencing was undesirable, but that they are working on it.