A 10-year-old boy from Siga Primary School is battling severe distress after allegedly being assaulted by his teacher, his mother claims.

Sindy Lebalang, the child’s mother, accused the school of failing to take responsibility for the incident, leaving her to fight alone for her son’s well-being.

According to Lebalang, her son has been suffering from twitching, head pain, and emotional instability since schools reopened earlier this year. She says his condition worsens at night, making it difficult for him to function normally.

The distraught mother alleges that her son has been physically assaulted on two separate occasions by the same teacher.

“The first time, he came home with a swollen head and said he had been hit with a stick. This week, he told me the teacher slapped him on the head and ear,” she revealed.

What frustrates her the most is that the teacher allegedly denied hitting the boy, even though she was reportedly disciplining the entire class at the time.

Lebalang says her efforts to get justice have led her to the police, the Ministry of Education, and the school management, but she claims she has been met with delays and inaction.

“I have been running around since this happened, but I am being told to wait for them to conduct investigations and they will get back to me. Meanwhile, my child is suffering. I refuse to be silenced,” she declared.

Lebalang has further alleged that Siga Primary School has a culture of physical abuse of pupils that is quietly ignored by school authorities.

"This is not an isolated incident. This school has a problem. I have heard from other parents that teachers and even teacher-aides beat children at this school,” she claimed.

She believes this has contributed to a climate of fear where children are afraid to speak out.

Following the alleged assault, Lebalang sought medical attention for her son. She was advised to get a brain scan to assess possible internal injuries. However, the cost of the procedure, P7 600, was more than she could afford.

After pressure from concerned individuals, including Member of Pariament Boniface “Bashi Blancha' Mabeo, a meeting was held with the school management, who agreed to cover the medical costs.

“It is unfortunate that it had to take so much fighting before they agreed to help. But at least now, my son is getting the scan he needs,” she said.

Efforts to get a response from Siga Primary School regarding these allegations were unsuccessful. Calls to the school went unanswered, and messages sent to their official lines were not responded to.

Meanwhile, Lebalang says she will continue fighting for justice for her son. She has also urged the public to keep him in their prayers as they await the results of his brain scan.