Serowe police are investigating a case in which a 31-year-old man of Sebadi ward stabbed his 19-year-old lover to death and later committed suicide by hanging himself with a rope from the roof rafters.Acting Station Commander, Eric Dambe told The Midweek Sun that the incident happened on Easter Monday and the deceased’s father reported the matter to the police around 10pm after he received a call from his son that he is having a misunderstanding with his girlfriend at their shared house.“Upon arrival at the scene, the police found the girlfriend lying in a pool of blood, and the boyfriend hanging on the rafters”, Dambe said.He said both the man and the woman were later certified dead at Sekgoma Memorial Hospital, adding that police investigations are continuing to establish what could have led to the incident.Dambe revealed that the father of the deceased man had requested to see his son to discuss his relationship with his girlfriend, but he never bothered.He said this is the first murder-suicide incident in his policing area and urged members of the community to seek advice in case of misunderstandings especially in relationships and marriages and to avoid taking drastic decisions on their own.