A 43-year-old man of Matshelagabedi suspected to have stabbed and injured his 37-year-old ex- lover this past weekend was found hanging from the roof inside his house on Tuesday morning.

It is suspected that after stabbing the woman on Sunday evening, the deceased went into hiding and only returned to his house on Monday evening where he proceeded to commit suicide.

He was found dead by family members in the morning of Tuesday.

Police boss at Matsiloje, Oteng Ngada said they received a report from a woman who is currently hospitalised at Nyangabgwe Hospital that she was stabbed by a man she once dated.

Things turned sour between the two and they separated. It appears theirs was not a peaceful break-up as the woman went to the extent of getting a restraining order against her ex-lover.

However, on Sunday, the man met the woman while she was walking home with friends, and an altercation ensued. Her friends ran for their lives.

The man allegedly stabbed the woman multiple times and then fled the scene leaving her wounded and bloodied. Fortunately, she was able to get up and make a report to the police.

The police began searching for the man but were unsuccessful. It was only on Tuesday morning that they got alerted by family that the man was found dead.