Gatwe some MP ko ga MmaMosadinyana recently tore into president Mokgweetsi Masisi, calling him a corrupt vandal and a murderer. Wait for it – this Tory MP, gatwe ke ene Sir Roger Gale, says President Masisi is allowing for the ‘murder of animals’ in Botswana after he lifted the ban on hunting, and that the president is personally benefitting financially from the shooting of animals in the country. The former Vice Chairperson of the Conservative Party was speaking in some interview on some animal rights online website channel, where he even said the former president Ian Khama who imposed the ban, was OUSTED from power by President Masisi so that the latter comes in to corruptly benefit from wildlife annihilation. The senior MP seems to know a lot about what is going on in Botswana and shares that President Masisi is has committed ‘vandalism’ in his move to allow hunting tourism in the country. Gale has been an MP since 1983, and his debate with Jens-Ulrik Hogh from Nordic Safari Club centred on a series of allegations he made against hunting tourism and wildlife conservation in Africa. Botswana government has since reacted to the MP’s attack on Botswana and the president, calling the attack frivolous, irresponsible, personal and emotive.
Whither Palapye’s Mophane International Airport?
Heelang, kana in 2017 we were told that Palapye would have an internatonal airport to be built near Moremi. The airport would be named Mophane International Airport. Go ne gotwe the airport would even be bigger than all the airports in the country and big aircraft that cannot land anywhere else in the country would easily land there. It was a matter that had many people asking questions relating to the elevation of Palapye to overshadow the nation’s capital, e bile batho ba bo Serowe le Mahalpye ba lela gore that project was better placed at their villages.

Magatwe a ne a re the contruction would begin in 2019 but three years down the line no one has mentioned anything relating to the project. It was such a noble thing to think about at the time, as those who promised us the landmark project said it would address challenges of cargo meant for Batswana always having to land first in South Africa before it could be delivered to Botswana. Gape ne gotwe we would begin to see bo Airbus 380 le bo Antonov directly flying to our country. Where is the airport kante jaanong? Kana in Botswana promises are not always meant to be kept. Ija!
Will Makgophe act on issues raised by Thea?
Behold, Princess Thea speaketh! But will Police Commissioner Makgophe act? For the royal princess, wife to Prince Tshekedi has raised issues that need his attention. Of course we hear magatwe a gore the man may not return to the police as the boss but since we have no proof, can we just ask Ramapodisi to read what the princess wrote on facebook about conditions in police cells. She specifically mentions the Tlokweng police cell where she among others, raises the issue of abuse of female prisoners by police women who ironically take better care of the male prisoners. Gatwe prisoners may not even get a blanket and made to sleep on a concrete floor – ao Jeso! We know a police cell should not be a place of fun but at least be human tlheng! Ijoo, the woman raises several issues which surely warrant attention if indeed what she says is to be trusted. Kana she could be serving her own agenda, we never know, but at the end, the police bosses and whoever is responsible for such matters in government cannot allow such inhumane treatment as she highlights it, to go unattended to. We may have wronged you by stealing from other citizens or by engaging in other forms of transgressions but hey, a human being is a human being and we deserve some bit of dignity. How do you make a woman sleep on a concrete floor without a blanket, le gone after undergoing an surgical operation s she says it? Mr Police Commissioner, please investigate yourselves!
Kante mme gone why run away if innocent?
While still on with issues concerning the Khamas, we gather that several of them have left the country to live either in South Africa or even a far as Europe. Magatwe a re they are doing so out of fear that they will be harraassed by the law enforcement agencies, just a poor Thea was dragged to a police cell for alleged crimes by the entire Khama enclave. We know of their big brother skipping the country into South Africa, followed later by the younger brother... and now masika le ditsala. All the while, the Khama’s keep saying they are innocent and that the current regime is just being vindictive. But then, why run away and hide in other countries if innocent ne bathong? Kgotsa ga re tlhaloganye eng? Zuma is out there in his own country to face criminal charges against him – he has not sought refuge in Lesotho. He is in his country, arguing his case. Ba ga rona bone why do they have to run and start speaking from a distance? Akere they are innocent? And the courts will prove that – just like in the other cases. Arabang