The LEGABIBO Annual General Meeting has been officially opened by the board Chairperson Dr Sethunya Mosime.
Officially opening the AGM, Dr Mosime reminded delegates that they have to actively participate in building an inclusive Botswana for all at all times.
Furthermore LEGABIBO members were reminded to be active in the political scene as through politics they can directly push for diversity in political parties that will also transcend into the government.
CEO of LEGABIBO Thato Moruti said that they do not take lightly the activism work that all the delegates of LEGABIBO have embarked on.
He said that the work that they are doing is not only for themselves but for generations that are yet to come.
Moruti said that issues of Gender Based Violence affect everyone in Botswana. He urges everyone to constantly check on one another as victims tend to suffer in silence.
“There are members of the LGBTQI community who are being dehumanized,” Moruti said that those who will be elected today must speak against these horrendous acts.
Moruti said the exclusion of the LGBTQI community is a ticking time bomb and the community must find ways to transform their activism to bring about the desired inclusivity they desire in Botswana.
“We must find ways to invest in the pink economy of this country so that when we speak we must be listened to,” Moruti said that the organization must steer away from depending on donations and build the financial backbone of the LGBTQI community in the nation.
Even though the LGBTQI community faces great challenges in Botswana Moruti is adamant that through activism they can bring the desired change they want to see in Botswana.
Officially opening the AGM, Dr Mosime reminded delegates that they have to actively participate in building an inclusive Botswana for all at all times.
Furthermore LEGABIBO members were reminded to be active in the political scene as through politics they can directly push for diversity in political parties that will also transcend into the government.
CEO of LEGABIBO Thato Moruti said that they do not take lightly the activism work that all the delegates of LEGABIBO have embarked on.
He said that the work that they are doing is not only for themselves but for generations that are yet to come.
Moruti said that issues of Gender Based Violence affect everyone in Botswana. He urges everyone to constantly check on one another as victims tend to suffer in silence.
“There are members of the LGBTQI community who are being dehumanized,” Moruti said that those who will be elected today must speak against these horrendous acts.
Moruti said the exclusion of the LGBTQI community is a ticking time bomb and the community must find ways to transform their activism to bring about the desired inclusivity they desire in Botswana.
“We must find ways to invest in the pink economy of this country so that when we speak we must be listened to,” Moruti said that the organization must steer away from depending on donations and build the financial backbone of the LGBTQI community in the nation.
Even though the LGBTQI community faces great challenges in Botswana Moruti is adamant that through activism they can bring the desired change they want to see in Botswana.