The High Court has granted an eviction order for 26 central market stalls in Francistown.

Speaking at the Francistown City Full Council on Monday, Mayor Godisang Radisingo said the remaining 20 respondents were served with notice of heads on the 11th September 2023.

Radisigo said the redevelopment of Central Market has been hampered by several challenges which led to delay in implementation. He said the final judgment will be delivered on the 14th of December 2023 and continuous non-compliance to the lease agreement will lead to recommendation for termination of the lease.

Radisigo noted that despite the challenges, the council must not lose sight of the vision it bears to revitalise the city centre and create conducive and sustainable spaces for both the formal and informal sector.

Traders in Francistown are up in arms with the Francistown City Council over the eviction process at the Francistown Central Market as the City Council is evicting traders around the Market in order to give way for new developments.

In an interview with The Midweek Sun, the chairman of the Central Market Association, Oduetse Moleele said the market plays a pivotal role in their lives as it has created employment for many people.

He said most of the traders found at the Central market include tailors, technicians, agricultural producers, sellers and food catering businesses.

Some traders at the Central market have refused to vacate the premises, demanding that the City Council provide them with an alternative area where they can continue operating their businesses.

Meanwhile, a trader who has more than 20 years cooking and selling traditional cuisine, Agnes Maseko, said the Central Market is the only hope they have to improve their lives and of their children.

She said it would be a blow if they are moved from the market because they have no other way to sustain their lives except selling food.