Seneo Perry was excited to be back home from New Zealand, for several weeks over the festive period. She had the chance to mingle with Batswana and took some interviews on conservation and environment protection on the backdrop of climate change, including with Africa's big broadcaster SABC in South Africa. Her schedule was packed; she is a bold environmentalist but also a down to earth young lady with a 'girl-next-door' vibe, which attracts people to her like a moth.

But the stunning model and style conscious fashion lover is also busy with an exciting fashion line. She told Vibe that post-Covid19, as a dominant Sustainable Tourism Influencer, her recent project is quite unique and will merge fashion and environment.

"I collaborated with a high couture fashion designer, Cecilia Kang, who has been successful with her designs being represented by models and actresses all over the world, having also featured in high profile magazines such as Vogue Italia and Vogue British. Cecilia Kang Couture and I partnered after coming up with a concept that we would take her zero-waste fashion to Heritage Sites such as the Okavango Delta to promote the preservation of such unique landscapes that come with so much biodiversity using the influence of the creative industry," she said.

Perry noted that the project is heading towards the conceptualisation and development stage, and she is pleased with the progress so far. She shared that this collaboration was sponsored by Cresta Maun with accommodation and we also got great photography from Steven Stockhall who is one of Botswana’s successful award-winning wildlife photographer. "This will be in-going even in New Zealand as we promote the preservation of Heritage sites in New Zealand through fashion," she said.

Perry said that the creative sector is influential and should also be used as a medium to raise awareness on social issues. She noted that for example, the arts music industry has the right influence to bring about the change that we want to see in the environment. "Public education among early childhood through story-telling like books, school competitions like art, music, gardening, tree planting etc. Involving the creative industry and social media influencers getting endorsements to travel to the areas that need environmental care and protection and using their media platforms to spread the message," she said.

Perry was born at Princess Marina Hospital 26-years-ago and she was raised and schooled in Gaborone. She completed a BA Honours in Entrepreneurial Business Leadership and then joined Miss Earth in 2020 and clinched the title.

She now had a platform to do advocacy work on environment, which she is passionate about. Interestingly, her favourite subject in school was Geography!

Perhaps its safe to say environment advocacy was always written in the starts for her. Fast forward several years and she is now a recognisable global model and she wants to work on more projects of substance particularly in tourism, green technology and environmental protection and sustainable development.

There is no doubt that the 'yellow bone' is a stunner; her petite frame and pretty face is one that cannot be ignored and her picture has trended online. Perry said she wants to use her beauty as a draw card to projects of purpose as she believes in substance and impact.

Many young women look up to her and she believes that every young person who looks up to a model or a pageant title holder has their own unique attraction that draws them to that specific person. "I have always believed more in purpose than anything else. At times I would even forget that I have to look a certain type of way before I leave the house because at the end of the day, the world needs beautiful minds and hearts beyond just beautiful faces!"

Perry encouraged young people who want to break into, and make strides in modelling to find their purpose so that society will remember them for their good deeds beyond their beauty.