Life Time Traders Academy, a 100 percent citizen-owned company, has vowed to educate more and more Batswana in basic forex trading skills, which will in the end ensure they trade safely & confidently in liquid and more rewarding markets.

The company, which is managed by Ofentse Senoko, was established last year with the main aim of running a mentorship programs on basic forex trading skills & advanced trading skills for novices in the daily market trading. “Our business is purely an attempt to end poverty and financial degradation of Batswana by helping them understand liquid markets and how to tap into that wealth with the little they have. Forex is not about getting rich quickly but building a personal portfolio that can outperform the conventional annual interest rates. The current inflation outweighs savings output,” Senoko told Botswana Guardian recently, adding that forex trading, if done in the right way, can help bolster the domestic economy.

Globally, the forex market is valued in trillions of US dollars. Life Time Traders Academy, which is relatively new in the market, has been received positively. “The response has been fairly good since Batswana are looking for alternative income making skills in the digital space,” said Senoko. Every day, locals, and even globally, who are trading in forex, often report instances of fraud on their accounts. Life Time Traders Academy is well aware of this. “We do get a few complaints of attempted fraud, however, we have policies in place to guide our clients to be very alert of such attempts,” disclosed Senoko. The future looks bright for Life Time Traders Academy which operates from an office in Gaborone. “We are igniting a different type of Motswana. A fintech savvy Motswana, a Motswana who understand how to grow their money, one who understands risks and rewards,” said Senoko.