
Tlotlo Mbazo
  • Young specialist shines spotlight on neuropsychology

    There are currently only two Doctors of Clinical Neuropsychology in Botswana, meaning a significant gap in the health system.One of the two, and the youngest in the country is Clinical Neuropsychologist, Dr Tumelo Kgolo-Ramashaba.According to the...

  • 'Rraagwe Malaakatse' described as gentle giant

    Radio Botswana veteran, Geoffrey Motshidisi, has been described as a selfless individual who gave himself to radio and the people of Botswana.The legendary broadcaster who was known by several names on radio including, Rragwe Malaakatse, Ko Kichining...


    Social work has been described as a calling because it demands an individual to offer help to others, often in the face of difficult and stressful situations.The inaugural Botswana National Association of Social Workers Symposium 2023 heard that...


    Extreme household poverty is a major factor causing families to break down and drastically reduces their ability to offer quality care to children, the SOS Children’s Village has found out.As a result, SOS Children’s Villages have embraced the...

  • Contending with lax attitude of youth in HIV/AIDS prevention

    Comprehensive knowledge of HIV remains low, condom use among sexually active young people is declining, and rates of forced sex and teenage pregnancy are ominously high despite increased awareness of HIV in general.This is a concern of government...


    The annual flooding of the Segoditshane River may be a thing of the past if government’s ambitious plans to transform the Segoditshane Corridor into an ecological corridor with mixed land use comes to fruition.Acting Director of the Department of...


    - Measures to address GBV include introduction of Gender and Children Friendly Branches in Police stations, GBV Toll Free Line and Standard Operating Procedures for handling GBV cases.The Minister of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture, Tumiso Rakgare...

  • Weakened disability sector needs support

    The new Disability Resource Centre is expected to assist disability organisations, volunteers and parent-led organisations that are increasingly weakened by the limited resources in the disability sector.The Centre was conceptualised to close service...


    The need for psycho educational assessments in Botswana to detect learning disabilities, as well as other mental health issues that interfere with learning is overwhelming.Psycho educational assessments identify learning challenges in students of all...


    Waiting for academic results of national examinations either at PSLE, JCE and BGCSE level can be nerve wrecking for both parents and children.It would be great if all of us would mind our own business and refrain from asking other people about their...


    A new year often brings new hope and dreams, however, some people are drawn back by the failures, hurts and disappointment of the past year.This year, do not allow issues from the past to negatively influence your behaviour, especially towards other...

  • Little action as minors suffer brutal sexual violations

    Laws and policies that guard against prevailing sexual abuse against children, and bring perpetrators to book exist, but they continue to let the innocent and most vulnerable down.This is the view held by some childcare organisations.Director of...

  • Child sexual abuse a pandemic in Botswana

    Teenage pregnancy in Botswana is a never-ending problem.Year in, and year out, the cries of innocent victims as young as 10 years old are muffled by the ineffective regulatory frameworks that are meant to protect them.Assistant Minister of Education...


    Before you venture on that festive adventure, heta pele ko gae o tlhole botsadi! Hey! This tendency of neglecting botsadi during the festive season because 'we have made plans' must fall. It would be great to not only get them Christmas...

  • Young people reveal how they are coerced into early intercourse

    - Young people reminded that sex is not a toy or a game.Scripture Union (SU) Botswana has made a clarion call to the youth of Botswana to hold fast to a basic moral value that society held dear in the past.At their weekend Singles Seminar themed...

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