Ex-Nollywood actress has big plans for local film industry

Former Nollywood actress, Yoko-Ono Manowe has returned home to Botswana to share everything she has learned via a film and television expo billed for August 8th at Cresta President Hotel. This was revealed at the press conference Manowe and her team held last week.

Manowe said as a person who’s in love with her country, she found it fit to leave what she called the ‘booming’ markets of acting in Nigeria because she felt unfilled there and felt she had no artist identity as a Motswana in a foreign country. The expo will be divided into four categories; the expo activity which is meant to provide a platform for people to come and engage with the different departments in the film and tv industry such as light and sound. Participants will also get a chance to ask what they want to know about the industry.

The second category is the Expo forum; where there will be words of motivation and encouragement by people who have already had some breakthrough in the industry such as the Nigerian actor and director, Chike Osuji Brown. The third category will be the Expo Corporate which will be the part where the business part of the industry will be discussed. The last and final category is the Expo special where the question, ‘What will happen after the expo’ will be answered.

Manowe explained that the expo is an opportunity for Batswana to come together and build the nation using the film industry. However, she cited that one of the challenges she has come to notice is that Batswana do not support each other. “A re bopaganeng bagaetsho and come together to ensure that the expo is a success,” she said.

One of those present at the conference, Charity Keobokile explained that she was sold on the idea of the expo as it is a way of getting other people to know about Botswana and its culture. She said that Batswana should take every opportunity to help in gaining exposure for Botswana in other parts of the world.

Thokolosi actor, Letsomo La Tshipa revealed that he was ecstatic about the expo because it showed progress in the film and television industry. He also cautioned locals to tell their stories because in his opinion, Hollywood lacks creativity and he fears that they will come to Africa to look for new stories to tell.