Rugby Africa Indaba for Kasane

Delegates and representatives of different Rugby Unions around Africa will converge at Kasane on the 3rd of December 2016 for the Rugby Africa (RA) General Assembly.

Botswana Rugby Union (BRU) President Dave Gilbert officially announced this at a brief press conference in Gaborone on Wednesday. The workshop will run for a week. Gilbert said an estimate of 37 countries and 100 delegates among them presidents of Rugby Unions are expected to grace the event.

The Assembly would be preceded by a weeklong series of activities and workshops such as budgets, tournaments and strategic planning for the next five years. BRU is honoured to host the Assembly for the first time and the president emphasised that the union will also be bringing in foreign exchange for the country.

“We are talking about close to USD 150 000 coming directly into the country, this will truly be a great investment,” Gilbert revealed. BRU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Sport Volunteer Movement (SVM).
The services of the movement will come in handy during the long run of the week and also in smooth running of the General Assembly. Chairperson of the movement Keolebogile Maplanka said they are privileged to be amongst the team that will help promote sport development in the country.

She noted that the movement was critical to every Motswana who is willing to give back to the community and urged all to step forward and assist in every way possible.The SVM Sub Structure in Kasane Region is tasked with ensuring that they host a successful  high profile event.

“Sports events are usually in Gaborone and surrounding areas, I believe people in Kasane are thirsty for it, we need to leave a legacy there,” Maplanka said. She added that in future they will look further into embracing all tribes by trying to find volunteers who can learn or communicate in different languages. “I believe it will help us when we host events of this nature, we will just be tapping in our databases at ease.”