Gaolathe has no powers at AP

The President of the newly-launched party, Alliance for Progressives (AP), Ndaba Gaolathe does not wield any sweeping powers under his party constitution. There were suggestions at his erstwhile party - Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD) – that the factional fights they were embroiled in fed into the president’s lack of power to run the party. He was seen as a lame-duck president.

But it seems the same thing is going to happen to him at the purple movement. The only power that Gaolathe will have is to call an emergency session of the National Congress, if a situation which requires an immediate decision of the National Congress exists. This is according to Article 45 of the constitution seen by this publication.

“The President is the political head and chief directing officer of the Party and the leader of the house at a National Congress or Policy Forum. He or she will make pronouncements for and on behalf of the Central Committee, outlining and explaining the policy or attitude of the Party on any question as agreed with the Central Committee,” states part of the constitution. While the President at Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) can suspend a member who is bringing the party into disrepute for 60 days, AP constitution is silent on this.

“He or she will be a member of the Executive Committee. Appoint all members of all the Committees in this Constitution on recommendation of the Central Committee and or respective committees. Be the President of the country when the Party is in power,” reads part of the constitution. Article 56 (1) which talks about the power of the Central Committee states, “The Central Committee is the highest executive body subordinate to the National Congress and shall be solely responsible to it for its functions and actions subject to the provisions of the Constitution.”

The Executive Committee shall be constituted as follows: President, Vice President, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary General, Vice Secretary General and Treasurer General. The Executive Committee may invite any member of the Party in good standing to attend its meetings. The number of invitees shall be limited by the Executive Committee.