General overseer of Eloyi church in southern region Mmika Kgwelokgwelo says the church is going to, once and for all, get rid of the evil creature tormenting the Keloneilwe family in Goo Kodisa. The family has been under the attack of a creature believed to be a thokoloshe, which is said to take the form of a dirty doll, snake or monkey or a combination of snake and monkey. As a result of the creature’s torments, the children have missed school for a year now. The creature tears their clothes into pieces. It also hurls stones at them and at any car that takes them to school in Thamaga. “They told us that it also chokes them and harasses them on their way to school. “It appears to them as a doll or monkey or snake. Sometimes it has the head of monkey and the body of a monkey,” said mother of one of the victims, Basadibotlhe Keloneilwe. She said the creature is disrespectful. “We sought help from churches and traditional doctors, to no avail. This creature pees on our food, mixes our food with glass particles and soil. It is so rude and beats us at night,” she said. The mothers recently told The Midweek Sun that Eloyi failed at trying to remove the creature, but Kgwelokgwelo refuted this. He told this publication that they are yet to visit the family after the Easter holidays. ‘We went there last month to assess the situation and we were able to remove a few things such as horns and flywhisks (diditse) from the yard,” he said, revealing that the family is under heavy torment and that ‘in all our thokoloshe exorcisms, we have never come across such a scary incident.’ His observation is that the Keloneilwe family needs strong prayers and intentional action from churches, and that as Eloyi, the situation may be hard but not impossible to fix. “Ba batla re ba emela ka dinao kapele. It’s the first we encounter this kind. We have seen people wearing burning clothes before and helped them in a few days, but this one from Goo Kodisa needs rigorous work,” he said, adding that he was going to come with ‘baruti ba bagolwane’ to remove the creature. Kgwelokgwelo however said that the only way the creature could be exorcised is if the family cooperates with the church and also believes it could help. “We have to find the root cause. Sometimes during our exorcisms, we find that the person who sent the creature is within the family. In such incidents, he or she must undo first, or a raolole so that we can remove the creature. But again, the situation there requires the whole church. I went there with a few men,” he said. Goo Kodisa leader Kgosi Molaakwena Keloneilwe, a relative to the tormented family said this week that the creature has relented attacking children and has now turned on their mothers. “Maybe it is because the schools are now closed since it does not want them to go to school. It is now after their mothers by mixing their food with soil and glass particles. “I hear it beat them last week when they were from church,” he said. He emphasised that such incidents require the intervention of traditional doctors. However, as it stands, the family is not receptive of traditional doctors. He said, “Seemo se se batla batho ba ba matlho a bogale.’’