BSE, UB partner to improve financial literacy
The Botswana Stock Exchange has partnered with the University of Botswana Finance Society (UBFS) to raise awareness about capital markets and educate the youth on the importance of investing in the stock market.
The BSE Head Market Development Thapelo Moribame said that this is in order to improve financial literacy in Botswana.
“The BSE views youth development as a strategic initiative and through the partnership the BSE aims to bridge the existing gap in youth participation in the stock market. The partnership is effective immediately.”
In order to make the tertiary student community aware of the investment opportunities that exist at the BSE, the UBFS will use a campaign to encourage students to open Central Securities Depository (CSD) accounts and invest part of their monthly allowance in BSE listed securities.
Existing trends continue to demonstrate that the low youth participation in the stock market has solely hinged on a lack of knowledge and comprehension to navigate through the ever-changing financial environment.
Through this collaboration a long-term culture of investing will be cultivated. President of UBFS Andrew Kgorane expressed gratitude to the BSE for facilitating this partnership.
He said ‘UBFS will impart financial literacy on the student community by providing information on the investment opportunities that exist at the BSE and why it is important to start investing at a young age’.The BSE launched the 2017–2021 strategy in January, and a robust partnership plan that involves the various segments will be used to positively impact on the delivery of the mandate.
The BSE/UBFS partnership comes after an expression of interest was circulated for all tertiary institutions around Botswana.