Opinions & Columns


A new year often brings new hope and dreams, however, some people are drawn back by the failures, hurts and disappointment of the past year.

This year, do not allow issues from the past to negatively influence your behaviour, especially towards other people. The people you despise today, maybe the very people who have your back tomorrow. This is true in every aspect of life, socially, professionally and even within families.

One of the things you should prioritise this year, is to take care of yourself. You have been worried sick about other people for a long time, neglecting yourself in the process. In 2023, do practical things to invest in your wellbeing. This is especially critical if you have been the one taking care of everyone else, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and otherwise. For you to continue to do so, it may be important for you to pause and take care of you for a change.

It is always passed on as a joke that you can easily detect that someone is having a difficult time ka moriri oo fraa. It is true, when a woman’s hair is out of place, messy and unkept, it might be an indication that she might be experiencing some challenges. The same applies to a man who looks like he does not take care of his beard, likely, he might not be doing well as well.

A go tlhapiweng! The Romans believe in what they call hydrotherapy. They believe that water has healing effects. Just think about the time you were at your lowest, and how jumping into a hot tub, or shower made a difference. Being in water each day is a healthy practice for self care.

To declutter when you feel most under pressure, you may want to step into nature. When down, most people tend to hide in their homes behind locked doors. However, stepping out into the outdoors can do the trick. Take a random walk, watch birds, and watch the stars and moon, walk bare foot in the sand, and see how these little activities can improve your mood.

Rather than scrolling away on social media every night, put away your mobile phone and find a book to read. When you read, especially motivation type of books, you will slowly notice that you start to strengthen your mind. Knowing how to master positive traits like optimism and positive thinking, you will learn how to manage mental health even when things are not going well in your life.

This year, choose to be positive around people. It is not surprising that life always has more drama in it when you gossip about people, when you are rude and when you are in a more aggressive state. When life is not going well for you, go out of your way to be positive around people. Sometimes even when everything in you wants to scream at the top of your lungs. Before you know it, you will notice your environment change.