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Before you venture on that festive adventure, heta pele ko gae o tlhole botsadi! Hey! This tendency of neglecting botsadi during the festive season because 'we have made plans' must fall. It would be great to not only get them Christmas goodies, but to also spend a little time with them before you fly out to those exotic destinations.

These oldies spend times on end alone in the village most of the year. Plus, most people are too busy to make time during the year for a visit. They are often lonely, they miss and long to see their children and grandchildren. Remember, their homes used to be a hive of activity when you were younger, especially during this time when all of your siblings, uncles, aunts and cousins knew that granny’s house was the place to be on Christmas day. Wai!

Now that you have all grown up, you’ve got more important plans. Every man for himself, God for us all! You have ‘selfishly’ arranged that you, your partner and children will be somewhere enjoying the festive season without the ‘stress’ of extended family. I bet sometimes these oldies miss the noise and traffic in their homes, just the way it used to be long back. This Christmas holidays, gather with your siblings and children and evade the place that remained deserted ever since you lot left.

At least just for two or three days. Unleash inner children in you by crowding in the living room at night, just like you did years ago. Enjoy times of cooking with big pots and laying out plates on the floor during meals. This precious family time may also award family members who have not seen each other for a long time to catch up.

Word of advice though, this is not about competition between you lot of who has achieved what compared to others. When you bring your brand new DG6, let it not be for showoff. Remain humble and let family celebrate you genuinely.

Kana sometimes jealousy and bitterness are born out of the fact that someone thinks they are better because they have brought along their kids with ‘twanged-tongues’ that even need an interpreter for poor old granny. This is not a time for such.

That spirit must fall. It is the same spirit that breaks families apart forever. Let the attitude be of a united family that is together to celebrate each other’s successes and a have good time of love and sharing. On the flip side, family, especially extended family can be the most toxic place that some people have resolved to cut ties forever for the sake of peace. But is there peace where there are unresolved family feuds? This year, it might be time to confront the hurt within the family, heal and bury the hatchet and make peace. No one should harbor unhealthy memories about granny’s house. Let us all be merry and enjoy the festivities!