
Treats for the body, mind and soul


Afro Botho is set to roll out a series of contemplative practices dubbed ‘Afro Treats’, which are Body, Mind and Soul sessions curated for clients. The desire is for the client to pause from their busy schedules and take a much needed time to  Relax, Rejuvenate and Reset. These services will be offered in Maun and the greater Gaborone.

The event comes amid the many challenges that many are faced with due to the COVID-19 pandemic, activating a lot of anxiety and fear. The events are to take place in October and according to MotherK Masire, it is very easy to feel overwhelmed or stressed as we navigate all of the changes simultaneously. It is during these times when self-care is crucial to good mental and physical health, she explains.

She further says that they have identified two beautiful spaces, and collaborated with them to offer these mental health sessions. An environment and its energy is critical for Afro Botho in providing holistic’ value added service hence the collaboration with Kana Jang at African Casa in Ruretse and Baratani Lodge in Otse to cater for clients in the greater Gaborone zone. Both  places offer serenity and peace of mind.

They will host the inaugural Tea Meditation at Kana Jang   at African Casa in Ruretse on October 25th. The second event is penciled to take place on November 1st at Baratani Lodge in Otse. Masire explains that Tea Meditation commune is an intentional time and space where they gather and enjoy tea primarily in silence, with time for discussion and questions.

“It is a quiet place to contemplate and grow ourselves, to detach from modern anxieties and stressors, and enjoy the moment. Just as one might use sound or movement as a focus for contemplation, tea facilitates physical awareness, stillness, and community,” she explains.

She further notes that the experience will afford their clients with time to enjoy meditative community experience, while learning skills and insights that can deepen their own contemplative practice and appreciation of tea. “It is beginner friendly, inclusive and trauma-sensitive - no previous tea or meditation experience required,” she explains.