Sun Health

Combat Childhood Constipation with Hydration and Exercise

A majority of children suffer from chronic constipation. Constipation can be defined as bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. The stool is often hard and dry. Other symptoms include; abdominal pain, bloating, and strain, or feeling as if one has not completely passed the bowel movement.

One is considered constipated when they pass fewer than three bowel movements per week. Paeditrician , Dr Abraham Mosweu says that a child may become constipated due to many reasons including, diet, lack of exercise, emotional issues, an underlying physical problem. “They may become irritable or lose their appetite, experience stomach pain, and/ or exhibit low energy levels”.

However he says that intake of three litres of water daily by children can help tackle the condition. He urged parents to increase their children’s daily water and fruit consumption to reduce the risk of constipation. The doctor said that constipation in children had a strong correlation with diet.

“Constipation can occur when a baby is being fed with both breast milk and formula, especially from formula. “This can be increased when the formula is not mixed with the appropriate volume of water; then, the food becomes thicker than it should be. “For children who are older, it occurs when they overfeed and don’t take enough water; this can make them have abdominal pains and bloated tummy,” he said.

Dr Mosweu also said that a severe case of constipation should be handled in a hospital. He also recommended regular exercise and the development of a routine for defecation. “For example, sitting in the toilet for about 10 minutes on waking up and use of laxatives are helpful,” he said.

For infants and toddlers, he advised parents to hold the baby in a position that is going to facilitate them to belch after feeding them. “Most people cuddle the baby on their chest then rhythmically pat their back to help them release gas. This reduces the chances of the child getting constipated. “For older children, encourage them to be more physically active as physical activities help to move bowel contents through the body”.