


Savuti, a region within Chobe National Park is known for its epic wildlife sightings.Apart from its general wildlife sightings, is the two prides of lions, the Marsh Pride and the Northern Pride.

These are currently the trending lions everywhere in the world because their two dominant males namely Sexghaxghama and his brother Torn Nose have reached the peak of their age.The Marsh pride has always been famous but they were made even more famous by the National Geographic Documentary, ‘Savage Kingdom’.The two males rule over a pride of about 31 lions.

With age, one turns not to be strong enough even in human nature. At this point, wildlife enthusiasts across the world are waiting to see who will reign supreme,will Sexghaxghama and his brother,Torn Nose,be overthrown.Below are a few images of the Marsh Pride and sighting from Savuti.

*Pako Lesejane was a guest of Belmond Savute Elephant Lodge*