
Women demand representation in Mephato

Newly formed Mophato, Malwelanaga during their gathering recently
Newly formed Mophato, Malwelanaga during their gathering recently

Discontentment has risen among the Bangwaketse tribe, following Kgosi Malope II's recent resuscitation of the Malwelanaga regiment of 1986 -1990, a regiment name that existed in the past from 1886 -1889.

The complaint is that women representation is low. Speaking to The Midweek Sun on Monday, leader of the women's Matlotlakgosi Regiment, the first of its kind, initiated by Kgosi Malope II when he ascended the throne in 2010, Thato Ketsilile applauded Malope II for ensuring representation of women in Mephato which was a first in the history of Bangwaketse culture.

"Since Matlotlakgosi women's regiment was formed, there has been so much progress in the whole regiment. We immensely contribute in community projects, such as contributing and helping out during Malope II's wedding and other activities that enable him to do his duties," she said.

Ketsilile said that these deeds attest to the importance of having women in all Mephato, hence her call to the Paramount Chief to incorporate women in future regiments, as well as in the previous ones that will be resuscitated.

Sharing the same sentiments, Taolo Moshaga of Matshabalekgomo regiment concurred that women be enrolled in Mephato. "It makes sense if we acknowledge that borre le bomme are vital tools in shaping our economies," Moshaga said.

For his part, Kgosi Kwelagobe Mookodi, speaking on behalf of Malope II who is attending Ntlo ya Dikgosi in Gaborone, said the chieftaincy does not intend to involve women in Mephato. He was however open to reconsidering the stance of the chieftaincy on the matter.

Mookodi continued that Mephato worked on labour intensive community projects which can still be found in the area. The projects include construction of Mmakgodumo Dam whose estimate terrain elevation above sea level is 1268 metres, building of roads within the village, as well as schools such as Matsaakgang and Maisantwa primary schools.