
Serame bags Positive Role Model nomination

Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame
Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame

Minister of Finance, Peggy Serame has been nominated in the Positive Role Model Awards by Business Engage, an inventive organisation at the forefront of strategic thinking on gender mainstreaming in the private sector across Africa.

According to Business Engage CEO, Colleen Larsen, the awards are an effort to ensure that Africa becomes the gender hub from which stories of success are exported to the rest of the world, rather than always benchmarking in other continents.

Larsen collaborates with a team of currently 115 corporates across the region to recognise, through these awards, women who have made a positive impact in their careers.

“This individual is a hard worker and someone who reflects the spirit of leadership, as well as an individual who inspires those around her to reach greater heights,” Business Engage Botswana Lead, Theriso Motsumi-Motsemeng said.

Motsemeng further explains that Positive Role Model nominees are nominated by a person or group of people who know her well, primarily in a business setup. The finalists are subjected to several stages of judging done by a highly qualified panel of judges.

The semi finals of this year's award event will take place at Avani Hotel on August 16, followed by the finals, which will be held in South Africa. The East and West Africa will host their respective events as well. An overall Africa Champion will also be crowned.

Larsen, explains further that the judging process is extremely credible as each judging panel consists of three or four judges who may confer after the interviews, however each judge then scores individually on a private platform with no access to the other judges' scoring. Results are then released at the various events with the final southern Africa results expected to be released on 31 October at a gala dinner event hosted at Avani Resort, where Minister Serame is expected to be in attendance.

“This year's awards have surprised us with a lot of entries and nominees who we have seen advancing to the semi finals and we are positive that some will even go to the finals,” Motsemeng said.

Finalists from Botswana further include, Botswana Insurance Company CEO, Newton Gizera under the Inclusive Leader category, Priscilla Ndadi of Metropolitan Life, Neo Kgatwane -Re Aga Mmogo Rehabilitation Center, Julia Mosikare of Botswana Police Service-Child Protection Unit, Thanuja Panicker of Eyelight Optometrist and Ameera Pathan of Boba Botswana, Christopher Seagateng of BWJobs and France Palmer of Regent Hill School, among others.