
Babitseng Challenges BFA's Rejection

SOLDIERING ON...BFA presidential hopeful Tariq Babitseng is not backing down after being vetted out.
SOLDIERING ON...BFA presidential hopeful Tariq Babitseng is not backing down after being vetted out.

Tariq Babitseng, a prospective candidate for the Botswana Football Association (BFA) presidential election in 2024, has recently found via social media that his application has been rejected. However, Babitseng is prepared to challenge this decision through the proper channels, maintaining that he followed all necessary guidelines as outlined in the association's constitution. The decision to disqualify him from the race has already stirred controversy within Botswana football circles, with some observers questioning the transparency of the vetting process.

On 19 July, the Botswana Football Association Electoral Committee released a list of approved candidates who had successfully passed the vetting process. However, the list raised eyebrows as it revealed that none of the top positions, including the presidency, had challengers. Tariq Babitseng, Masego Nchingane, and the incumbent president McLean Letshwiti are in the running for the presidency, while some other candidates did not pass the vetting process.

Babitseng, who was among those initially excluded, has stated his intention to appeal the decision, saying that he had followed all procedures correctly and is confident in his application. Babitseng claims the submission process has been challenging, with multiple requests to change the individuals who nominated him, but he persevered and ensured that all the necessary requirements were met. He expressed his disbelief at learning about his exclusion via social media, and stated that he was preparing to challenge the decision through the appropriate channels to safeguard the integrity of Botswana football.

"We are ready to fight for the sake of football. We cannot stand idly when the current regime undermines the constitution and ruins our sport. We have gathered all the necessary documents and information to support our appeal. We intend to challenge the decision to reject my candidacy as there has been no clarification why I was disqualified. I am determined to see this through and will not back down until the Electoral Committee fulfills its responsibilities and acts with integrity," he declared.

"The Botswana Football Association Electoral code clearly stipulates that candidates should be informed of the results of the vetting process, but the committee did not adhere to this requirement. I have been told that this was deliberately done to limit the time available for appeals. Despite this, I will be moving forward with my appeal to challenge the committee's decision. The current regime is evidently desperate to suppress opposition, but I am undeterred and determined to continue with my candidacy in the best interests of football in Botswana," he added.

Babitseng recalled the challenging initial submission process, but affirmed his confidence in going forward with the appeal. He emphasized his commitment to pushing through with the challenge, stating that he is fully prepared to stand up against the decision and pursue justice for the benefit of Botswana football. Meanwhile the BFA Electoral Committee has since formally written to Babitseng informing his that he has been vetted out. However, the BFA presidential hopeful intends to file an appeal by the end of this week.