
Man tells of his life of fear, and blames Khama

Andrew Keatlholetswe..
Andrew Keatlholetswe..

Former eBotswana television channel employee Andrew Keatlholetswe says he regrets the day he ever met former president Ian Khama as his life has now turned miserable because of their soured relations. He is of the feeling that his movements, what he does and says are being monitored and suspects allies of the former president who are still working in the country's intelligence agency.

Andy as Keatlholetswe is affectionately known says he met Khama when he was still vice president to Festus Mogae.

“I was working and we would interview him, that is how he got to know me. He was very friendly and whenever he saw me, he would make sure he greets me or even shakes my hand."

Although he does not dwell into any further details on the nature of their relationship, Andy alleges that his relationship with Khama grew to an extent that when Khama became president, he invited him to State House.

“I visited him there and we often talked. He would always call to check up on me. I attended Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) events where we would meet and talk. But all changed when people began passing remarks that I might be gay and even implying that I was having sexual relations with the president.

The remarks did not seat well with me, so one day I wrote on Facebook that I hate gays. I was just saying that because I wanted to get people out of my back about being gay and dating the president.

Then a few days later when attending the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) conference, Khama saw me but did not smile at me or call me over as he usually did. On the day, he went past me like he did not know me,” said

Andy, adding that he was left shocked as to what had happened. Little did he know that Khama would not speak to him ever again. The last time they ever spoke was in 2017.

Andy cannot understand the wrong he has done; he wonders why they are not on speaking terms. “It is weird because this is the same man who at one point even asked me who I think would be better placed to be his Vice President, I guess it was at the time he was to choose his successor and just wanted to hear what I thought,” he said.

He shared how he once adored Khama, to a point that he would defend him with every fibre in him. “People knew that they could not speak ill about him around me. We clicked and he even asked me to join the Directorate of Intelligence Services (DIS) but I refused.

Andy said the reason he refused is because at the time, the DIS was being associated with all things evil, they were known for harassing people and he did not want to be linked to such.

But now five years later, he cannot recall the last time he ever had a good sleep. He sleeps with one eye open because he feels unsafe.

“There are people who are following me around and have been doing so for some time. When I share this, people think am crazy. I have even been taken to Sbrana Psychiatric Hospital before because they thought I am unwell. At some point I had to lie saying I do not think people are still following me, just so that I am not treated as a mental health patient anymore,” says Andy.

He is scared that the people following him around have intentions of eliminating him as he is deemed to know too much, although he does not say exactly what. He shared that there are instances where he even feels like he might be attacked in his sleep. He once travelled outside the country and had to return because he was not at ease.

“I really do not know what he wants from me. I am often asked why I say it's him who is behind this thing of people following me, but I just know it's him. Strange things happen to me, I cannot even date anyone because they mess up my relationships. I once dated an American girl, she dumped me after she was sent pictures of me with girls I did not know.

That day, I was sitting at Airport Junction mall having a meal when some ladies approached me, sat next to me and started talking to me. Strangely, at that very moment, my girl called to ask who I was with at the restaurant. I told her I was with no one and she told me that I was lying, saying she has pictures of me with girls,” he recalls, saying eventually the woman ended the relationship.

Andy says such things that he experiences often do not make sense to anyone but he fears that his life might be in danger as his mishaps often seem well-planned and thought-out.

“I know it's him. I just want him to leave me alone. I was even supposed to leave for the United States of America but I am facing inexplicable obstacles that seem to be a part of making my life miserable. I therefore regret the day I met that man. All I want is for his people to leave me alone.”

When contacted about the matter, Khama denied any knowledge of Andy. “I do not know him at all,” Khama said in his response.

However, Andy was quick to provide pictures of himself with Khama saying there is no how he can claim not to know him, saying the two had interacted a lot. Among the pictures he also shared were of himself with other BDP members amongst them the late Roseline Pansirah Matshome, saying they formed part of the BDP communications support team at the time of Khama's leadership.

“I got included into the communications team because of his instructions, people will be shocked to hear him deny any knowledge of me.”

A man who identified himself as brother to Andy said they are concerned about him. The brother had, when speaking to The Midweek Sun hinted that Andy might be targeting Khama because he (Andy) and the former president we once very close. He too could not dwell on details of the relationship although he promised that the family would speak to this publication in detail about their concerns. However, Motsholetsi Keatlholetswe, a man who identified himself as uncle to the two brothers said the family was no longer interested in commenting on the issue. The brother also hinted at the feeling by some in the family that he could be unwell mentally.

“My family has been trying to stop me from talking to the media about this issue, they are worried and I understand but I have long wanted this story to be heard. They do not want to believe me when I say am being followed, my life is a living hell. I at one point resorted to taking some substances after being told they would keep me awake at night. I am not proud of it but I wanted to protect my life,” he said.

Further sharing evidence to prove that he is fully aware of his actions, Andy provided his medical records that proved that he was indeed admitted to Sbrana on the 29 of September, 2019 and on the 5th of the next month, he was discharged and the doctor attending to him stated, "The patient was observed in the ward and did not show any abnormal behavior."

“I am perfectly fine, since that time, I have never been to Sbrana again. I do not hate the former president. I actually still care very much about him. Even if he was in danger, I would help him. I just want him to stop making my life a living hell,” said Andy.