
BFA defies the Registrar


FOOTBALL The Botswana Football Association (BFA) has firmly rejected the sublime threats made by the Civil and National Registration (CNR) and insisted, CNR has no legal standing to issue threats of nullification of their constitution. According to the BFA, the current constitution is fully compliant with FIFA regulations and was previously approved by them. Therefore, the BFA believes that the Civil and National Registration attempts to interfere with their constitution are without merit, as the BFA is already adhering to a FIFA-compliant constitution that was ratified through the proper channels.

On June 24th, 2024, the Civil and National Registration department sent a letter to the Botswana Football Association (BFA), stating that they had received complaints from some BFA members. These members claimed that the association had made changes to their constitution without following proper procedures, which made these changes illegal and fraudulent. The Civil and National Registration Department demanded that the BFA prove that the constitution was changed lawfully. If the BFA failed to provide proof, the constitution would be considered invalid.

This week, the BFA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mfolo Edwin Mfolo, expressed shock at the renewed scrutiny of the BFA's constitution by the Botswana National Registration Office. Mfolo emphasized that the constitution had already been reviewed and approved by FIFA and was stamped by the registrar on December 10th, 2019, further noting that the constitution was submitted with the corresponding meeting minutes. According to Mfolo, the BFA has not made any amendments to the constitution and thus, the Civil and National Registration concerns have taken the association by surprise.

“The manner in which this situation has developed is puzzling. Firstly, a letter that was meant for the BFA was seen on social media before it was officially sent to us, and this letter contained serious allegations that our constitution is fraudulent and unlawfully amended. This is troubling because we have been using the constitution that was approved and stamped by them. It is not within the purview of them to threaten nullification if we do not provide evidence of constitution amendments. This is not a power they possess,” Mfolo said.

“We believe Sebego of Notwane FC to be the source of the complaint, which was sent directly to the Civil and National Registration Society instead of following the proper BFA channels. This is an improper and potentially damaging way to handle the situation, as it negatively impacts the association's reputation and could frustrate potential sponsors. The allegations that our constitution has been unlawfully altered are serious and unfounded. As the BFA, we refuse to accept these accusations and demand that the registrar forward us the complaints they received so that we may address their concerns directly,” he added.

Mfolo further clarified that as far as the BFA is aware, they had not unlawfully amended their constitution and are using a version that had been approved by both FIFA and the registrar. He added that the association had not yet responded to the registrar's request for evidence of the constitution's lawful creation because, in Mfolo's opinion, the registrar already possessed the relevant information and documentation, having approved the constitution in the past.

He continued: “The BFA has not responded to the registrar's demand for evidence of lawful constitution creation because, as we see it, the registrar already has all the necessary information and documentation at their disposal.

They have approved our constitution in the past, and we are operating under the same approved version. Therefore, we do not feel it is necessary to provide additional evidence to prove something that has already been reviewed and approved by the registrar themselves.”