
BNF Lobatse Constituency leadership weak, dysfunctional

BNF Secretary General, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa
BNF Secretary General, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa

The Constituency Committee of Lobatse has been weak and dysfunctional, and a source of all problems at the constituency as it has failed to unite members.

The committee has also been accused of having failed to negotiate for wards in the best interests of the Botswana National Front (BNF). The BNF has experienced chaos in Lobatse constituency during its primary elections.

This resulted in the primaries being postponed several times. In a Report prepared by the BNF Secretary General, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa seen by this publication dated 21st June 2024, the constituency leadership is said to have failed to coordinate the process of vetting of candidates at wards and constituency level and has failed to coordinate voters' roll verification at wards and constituency level.

“This led to the two processes of voters' roll verification and vetting of candidates being rescued by an assigned Task Force in office of Secretary General.

“The process of voters' roll verification in Lobatse Constituency was first presided over by Kanye Constituency Committee assigned from the Region.

“After complaints that followed, the Constituency was subjected to a second attempt of voters’ roll verification presided over by a Task Force comprising of Chairpersons from Paul Rantao Region,” the report reads.

According to the report, the third and last process of voters’ roll verification was done by Secretary General following a meeting addressed by BNF President in Lobatse on the 5th June 2024 .

Motshegwa stated that it is clear that more than in any other constituency, time and resources have been spent to address issues of Lobatse Constituency to subject them to voters’ roll verification.

“The Vice President, Party Chairman, Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General have on about five occasions addressed Lobatse Constituency.

“The Secretary General has authored several correspondences to Lobatse Constituency clarifying issues of primary elections. It is clear that the constituency has been given enough or adequate attention and audience,” he said.

Motshegwa revealed that it is important that the best interest of the constituency and the party be elevated and not for the party to be held to ransom by some members who realise that they have not campaigned enough for primary elections, and would want to avoid them or disrupt them.

He cautioned that they do not want to breed indiscipline and anarchy in the organisation.

He pointed out that the process of primary elections is conducted in terms of BNF Electoral Rules, with a prescribed process presided over by National Elections Board which is to operate independently.

“What is key in this process is to ensure transparent, free and fair primary elections to guarantee that the result of the winner and loser is based on the will of members in the ward or constituency, and not some elements of favouritism or bias to determine the winner and loser,” Motshegwa said.

Motshegwa made it clear that it is not good for Lobatse Constituency and the UDC to have primary elections hanging as that deepens divisions in the constituency and the delay is affecting time for consolidated campaign towards general elections.

Further, that Lobatse constituency is currently winnable, but if divisions, delays and indiscipline are allowed to play out, then things will take a twist for the worst.