
Mochudi family fears the worst for missing son

The Makola family in Mochudi at Makgophana ward, is desperately searching for their missing son Boys Makola, who was known as Diboyisi in the village.

Diboyisi was last seen in mid-February, and his family holds onto the hope that their mentally retarded son is still alive. However, there are growing fears that Diboyisi may have been mutilated for muti, as his disappearance coincides with an election year.

Many in Makgophana ward doubt he will return alive, particularly given that he left home wearing just a t-shirt and that it has recently been cold, raising concerns he may have still died of the cold weather.

Patrick Ramogotsi Tladi (44), a family representative and Diboyisi's cousin, explained that Diboyisi was mentally fit at birth but developed mental challenges as he grew.

"Villagers loved him. He has often disappeared for two or three days but always returned home," Tladi said. He described Diboyisi's last known outfit as a red Shell t-shirt and black trousers.

"Our fear is that he has been mutilated. But why would they harm my mentally challenged cousin?" Tladi wondered, noting that the community continues to hope for Diboyisi's safe return despite his nearly four-month absence.

Mochudi Station Commander, Superintendent Joel Masilo, confirmed they received a report of a missing person on February 16, 2024, and have been actively searching since.

"The main challenge is that many families do not take proper care of mentally challenged members. They should not be allowed to walk alone, and families should report immediately when they go missing," Masilo advised.