
Morule rides on school sports card

CHARIMAN'S PRIOTIRY...The reappointed chairman of the Botswana National Sports Commission (BNSC) Marumo Morule is committed to bringing back school sports.
CHARIMAN'S PRIOTIRY...The reappointed chairman of the Botswana National Sports Commission (BNSC) Marumo Morule is committed to bringing back school sports.

The recently re-appointed BNSC Board Chairperson, Marumo Morule made a bold statement, asserting that the organization's top priority is to revive and prioritize school sports programmes.

With the suspension of school sports for years, Morule expressed grave concern over the potential damage this could inflict on the country's sporting legacy in the long term. Morule vowed to approach the issue with a sense of urgency, emphasizing the need for swift action to ensure the preservation and advancement of youth sports in Botswana. During a Wednesday interview with BG SPORT, Morule expressed grave concern over the prolonged absence of school sports in Botswana. Morule expresseds his gratitude for the opportunity to lead the organization once more. He highlighted the importance of grassroots sports, emphasizing that neglecting school-level sports could jeopardize the longevity and continuity of Botswana's rich sporting tradition.

"I want to reassure all stakeholders in the sporting community that we will prioritize reviving school sports programmes. The prolonged absence of school sports is detrimental to our country's sporting excellence. We must recognize that we cannot excel at elite levels while neglecting the foundation of our sporting legacy. As the BNSC, we pledge to work together with all relevant parties to ensure the swift return of school sports. Our commitment to this cause is unwavering, as we believe it will benefit not only our athletes but also the overall growth and prosperity of Botswana's sports culture," he said.

"We will organize a meeting with everyone who has a role in school sports. We want to make sure that the problem is solved. This is a top priority for the BNSC, and we won't stop working on it until it is resolved. I hope that everyone involved will be able to come to an agreement that is good for the country. We are doing very well in international sports, and it would be a shame if we didn't have young people who could become great athletes," Morule added.

Marumo Morule acknowledged that the presence of representatives from the Ministry of Basic Education and the Ministry of Sports on the BNSC board provides a valuable opportunity for the issue of reviving school sports to be championed with the necessary level of urgency and priority. He expressed his confidence that the board members from these ministries will advocate for the rapid resolution of this matter, given its significance to the future of Botswana's sporting landscape.

Marumo Morule did not specify a specific timeline for the resolution of the school sports matter, except for emphasising that it is a top priority for the BNSC. In addition, he revealed that the organization is working on a new programme aimed at fostering stronger partnerships between parents, athletes, and associations. He explained that parents, as stakeholders in their children's sporting pursuits, can play a crucial role in the development of young athletes.