
Woman wakes up to find his ex-boyfriend raping her


Police in Kasane are on the hunt for a man suspected to have raped a 38-year-old-woman of Botshabelo ward this past week.

According to Kasane Station Commander Superintendent, James Maabong, the complainant has informed the police that she woke up to a man pleasing himself on top her late at night under the cover of darkness. Shocked and terrified, the woman asked the man who he was and why he was on top of her.

“When the man opened his mouth to respond, the woman realised that the man was her ex-boyfriend and she fought him off her. Unfortunately for her, the man who had already completed his evil deed immediately ran off leaving her inside the house. The woman said she had gone to bed around 2200hrs and must have forgotten to lock her door,” said Maabong.

The police boss further indicated that the alleged rapist is a well-known person of Kasane and pleading with members of the community to assist in arresting him.

They have tirelessly been searching for the suspect in all corners of Kasane but have had no success in finding him and given the many days that have passed since the incident occurred, chances are that he might have fled to a nearby village and gone into hiding.

Maabong said rape was a painful experience for women and advises men to desist from such hurtful behaviour.

“The suspect allegedly did not use protection, meaning that if found guilty, the sentence will be stiffer. Men should learn to respect women's feelings when they refuse sexual advances,” he said.

In another separate matter, Maabong said they are also pleading with the community to assist in the arrest of criminals that robbed tourists at Thebe Safari Lodge of valuables worth P147 530.

The thieves are said to have broken into tourists’ tents while sleeping, stole their personal belongings and ran off.

“The tourists were woken from sleep by guards informing them that their tents had been cut open by thieves to gain access and they immediately realised that they had been robbed,” he said.

No arrests have been made so far as foot prints of the robbers led to the river and made it hard to further establish the direction they took.