

Andrew Moleele
Andrew Moleele

Fifty-four-year old Andrew Moleele who was found dead and buried in a shallow grave inside his home in Matshelagabedi village was properly laid to rest this past Tuesday.

Speaking to this publication on Monday this week, Councillor Neo Sefume of Tholodi ward in Tonota, who identified himself as cousin to the deceased, confirmed that the family was busy preparing for burial scheduled for Tuesday in Matshelagabedi.

Matsiloje police station commander Oteng Ngada has shared that the deceased’s body was found by the police after his herdsman came knocking at his house wondering why Moleele had gone silent on him, which was unusual.

The herdsman was also worried that it was way past month end but he had not been paid, he went to Moleele’s house to demand answers regarding his dues.

When he arrived, Moleele’s house was all silent, there was no movement whatsoever, and by the look of things, no one had been there for some days.

“The herdsman came to the police concerned, resulting in the police going to check out Moleele’s residence. Upon arrival, they noticed some blood stains on the house walls indicating that something was off. They proceeded to check behind the house where they were met by the horror sight of exposed bones and what appeared like human remains buried inside a shallow grave,” said Ngada.

Police investigations have since revealed that the bones found are human bones and belong to Moleele, they are now investigating a murder case.

“The family of the deceased has already been informed and investigations continue, we have no suspects in the matter and appeal to members of the public to assist in arresting those responsible for the death of the deceased,” he said.

He appealed to families to make a habit of checking on one another as indications are that the deceased lived alone and nobody had seen him for two weeks. Judging by the state of the body, he could have been dead for several days and nobody had thought anything about not seeing him. Moleele is a former soldier and also a trained nurse.

A dejected Kgosi Oganne Polson of Matshelagabedi village said the incident was a gut wrenching one for him and the entire village, he pleaded to be excused from commenting on the matter until his emotions stabilize.